
It really is hard to be a woman, it is.

And for what's most hard it is the fact that everyone knows, like the sky is blue and the sun is yellow.

It is assumed that for women life is hard.

And for making it better we have a sensual appearance, because it is the minimum we are doing here, it is being attractive for the view. We do not have to know about the subjects, we are not expected to even care about the subjects or being aware that there is a world out there, besides our pretty little pink bedroom. 

But we have to assimilate that we are women and for that meaning we are just like that.

This is my first text about being a woman and you know why? Because for me that's not the first thing I know I am, I am not a woman as a topic of being a woman, I am human and expect to be treated simply as it. 

But since I am always remembered that yes I am a woman, yes it is a men's world, yes we women always have been treated as a background.

Being woman only seemed to be a problem since we women decided to start putting an end at this non equality sense of genders. 

There is just a little list of what I have heard since ever:

-girls are not boys

-boys are not girls 

-you are a girl you do girl things

-you are a boy you do boy things 

-girls are princesses 

-boys are heroes 

-girls are weak

-boys have to protect girls

-girls are small

-boys are tall

-girls are less smarter than boys

-boys are smarter than girls 

-girls like pink

-boys like blue

-girls are annoying 

-boys are strong

-girls are sexy 

-girls are easy to please

-girls always want boys

-girls always fight with girls

-girls are jealous of girls 

-girls have to dress well 

-girls have to have long and nice hair 

-girls' opinion does not matter

-girls do not know about sports

-girls have to be thin 

-girls have to have boobs

-girls should wear dresses

-girls have to act like a lady

-girls have to marry

-girls have to have kids

-girls have to take care of the kids

-girls are not gross

-girls cannot be gross

-girls always have to look pretty

-girls cannot talk or show they have period

-girls the period is gross, hide it

-girls who date are sluts

-boys that date are a man's lady


This is just a list of little things I am used to hear.

Me and all the girls I know around me.

I have to say that from years ago until now I have been deconstructing my mind from this dictator and male chauvinist list. 

And I am getting to be more and more of a neutral gender, to the point people assume I am lesbian!

Or they would just think I for example am interested in cars just to seduce men!

They would see me as a gold digger, as a competition, as someone that asks for it.

And for me is just me trying to be neutral, trying to be a human outside that little and limited box of thinking.

I am a person therefore I see myself as one, not as a gender.

I truly believe I am free inside, I and invite everyone to feel this freedom.


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